Meet the founders

We are wireless and autonomous technology experts with over 25 years of industry experience and know-how.

2x Startup Founder.
Passionate about taking deep tech ideas to market. Previously worked as a strategy consultant for 10 years.

Koosha Kaveh

CEO & Co-Founder

15 years of experience developing AI systems and Autonomous Vehicles at Volkswagen, MAN Trucks and Siemens.
+35 patents within mobility and autonomous driving.

Dr. Navid Nourani-Vatani

CTO & Co-Founder

12+ years of experience in telecoms at Huawei and Bell Labs.
Led connected car R&D projects for major automotive OEMs across the EU.
+25 patents in wireless.

Sandip Gangakhedkar

CPO & Co-Founder

Our Delivery & Pick-Up Technology

Remote-Assisted Driving

We have built technology to safely control any electric vehicle remotely from anywhere, where a human is in-charge of driving decisions that the machine executes.

As we build more autonomy into our technology stack, we will reduce the level of reliance on remote human drivers over time.

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